Thursday, June 24, 2010


I love you, O! my sweet darling,
You too love me, don’t think of quarelling.
In deep love of thine my heart is beating,
Please tell me the reason of your cheating.

As I see you in the stars and the moon,
I built a love palace in my heart soon.
Your love has made me forever blind,
I know your faithless love but Iam kind,

Your hateful nature has made me sad,
Without your company I may be mad.
Why did thou send back my red rose?
Shouting to my friend with your angry nose.

Trust me ever Iam not ungrateful lad,
You Meet me once I must be glad.
The light of home itself burnt the chart,
As the wound of your love burnt my heart.

Thy heart is black but only face is red,
To hurt in your love I died of hundred.
I woo ye truly, Alas! never won your love,
Let us meet in hell or heaven all above,

I fear to die in the love of a beautiful dame,
After my death she will surly forget my name,
She mere’ly says to all, I love you but none,
In life and death, why hasn’t she loved one?

Mazid S Kazi , INDIA

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