Man is born in a sexual drop,
In this drop-let a living soul is filled,
Then, he grows like a mild crop,
Nature created him and killed.
Man’s food is too much delicious,
His stomach stocks filth and urine,
What is his superiority to be precocious?
One day he dies as his heredity line.
Let him think for his originality,
He may be a scientist or a politician,
Every one has his own mortality,
Whether, he must be a magician.
Hither he lives in a nice palace,
He forever tries to be safe by pain,
Alas! a grave is his permanent place,
Why is he greedy in life to gain?
What about his body after his life?
His unseen soul would be left,
None saves him or his beloved wife,
What a wonderful robbery or theft!
Mazid S Kazi , INDIA
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