Thursday, June 24, 2010

39. Poem hunter

 Poem hunter is the richest English literary forum of the world, .
It maintains brother hood, broad mind and humanity,
Poets are the literary diamonds and jewels of this forum,
It brings to all on one plot form of love to root out inhumanity.

It welcomes heartily to all the poets of the world,
Poets deposit their poems in the treasury of poem hunter,
Here poems shine like stars in the galaxy of English literature,
Readers and visitors come here to read the poems and to take shelter.

It hunts old and new poets and poems of Mother tongue English,
But it co-operates with other languages poets and poems too,
And it enlightens the minds and hearts of all the readers of poetries
It gives us love of God and wipes out from us ill will and boo.

Poetry is a difficult and beautiful art of the poet,
It is a piece of writing arranged by patterns of lines,
Which gives sounds expressing in an imaginative mood,
With deep thoughts, love, feelings, emotions and scenes.

Poetry is a gift of God which defines about Nature and human beings,
It praises true love of God and like dislike of votaries,
And it makes this world the best art of imaginary hell and heaven,
The people who read the poetries must enjoy it forgetting worries.

Daily visitors see the beautiful flowers of poetries in the poem hunter,
All who visit this place will get peace of mind in the calm Nature,
Hither they read different colours of poetries with great entertainments,
God visits and reads poems and appreciates it’s fine Natural feature.

Mazid S Kazi , INDIA

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