Thursday, June 24, 2010


How fair are you? O! lovely red rose,
You have sweet eyes, lips, teeth and a nose,
Your are looking like a smart lady of the art,
And your graceful dignity has won my heart.

Stay, stay, why do you fade away so soon?
Till the sunset would welcome to the moon,
The day weeps to depart red rose so early,
It would like to play with red rose happily.

Whenever I see ye I forget my worries,
I made you the queen of my poetries,
Your beautiful face has a lively proposal,
Thine have to smile and laugh to greet all.

So long as after your forever separation,
That I lament for your daily rotation,
As shines the star in the milky way,
Red rose is seen in the grace of the day.

Mazid S Kazi , INDIA

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